NRA-PVF | Vote John Cornyn for U.S. Senate in Texas

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Vote John Cornyn for U.S. Senate in Texas


TX-Aplus-Cornyn.jpgJohn Cornyn has always defended our gun rights in Congress!

John Cornyn knows that the Second Amendment isn't subject to negotiation, because our right to defend ourselves is the cornerstone of our democracy. He also knows that the extreme agenda pushed by gun control groups will make us less safe, less free and turn law-abiding gun owners into criminals for simply exercising their rights.

Senator John Cornyn has a proven record of support for the Second Amendment and will continue to oppose all attempts to ban lawfully-owned firearms and magazines. He will continue to stand strong against President Obama and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control agenda.

For these reasons and more, John Cornyn has earned our endorsement and an "A+" rating from NRA-PVF:


Supports Right-to-Carry |  Cornyn authored and voted for the “Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2013,”  to ensure that law-abiding Americans are able to carry a concealed firearm in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry.  He also voted for a similar amendment in 2009.


Opposes "Universal" Background Checks |  Cornyn opposes the Obama/Bloomberg so-called “universal” background check system, a system that would criminalize the transfer of firearms between many honest, law-abiding gun owners.


Opposes a Semi-Auto Ban |  Cornyn opposed Senator Dianne Feinstein’s failed semi-auto ban, designed to ban commonly owned semi-automatic firearms used for hunting, recreational shooting and self-defense. 


Opposes a Magazine Ban |  Cornyn opposed a ban on magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. 


Supports Veterans' Second Amendment Rights |  Cornyn voted for an amendment that protects veterans’ Second Amendment rights.  


Opposes U.N. Gun Ban Treaty |  Cornyn signed multiple letters, voted for an amendment, and cosponsored a resolution opposing any international treaty by the United Nations or other global organization that would impose restrictions on American gun owners. 


Opposes Anti-Gun Supreme Court Justices |  Cornyn voted against Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan for the U.S. Supreme Court. 


Supports Gun Manufacturers and Dealers |  Cornyn cosponsored and voted for "The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act," to prevent America's firearms manufacturers from being sued into bankruptcy through bogus lawsuits. 


Supports Right-to-Carry on Federal Lands |  Cornyn voted to allow concealed carry permit holders to carry and transport firearms for self-defense in national parks and wildlife refuges as well as on lands managed by the Army Corps of Engineers.


Heller and McDonald Cases |  Cornyn signed the pro-gun congressional "friend of the court" brief in both landmark Second Amendment cases, arguing that the Second Amendment guarantees an individual right to Keep and Bear Arms and that Washington, D.C. and Chicago's gun bans were unconstitutional.   


Opposes Washington D.C.'s Gun Ban | Cornyn voted for an amendment to repeal the D.C. gun ban/registration statute and restore the right of self-defense to law-abiding residents of our nation’s capital


Opposes Gun Confiscation |  Cornyn cosponsored and voted for "The Disaster Recovery Personal Protection Act," to prohibit gun confiscation during states of emergency as happened after Hurricane Katrina.


Supports Expansion of Safe Travel of Firearms on Amtrak |
Cornyn voted to allow Amtrak passengers to safely transport firearms and ammunitions in their checked baggage.


Opposes a Ban on Hunting Ammunition |
Cornyn voted against a bill that would ban common hunting ammunition.


Supports Gun Shows |
Cornyn voted against a bill that would have effectively eliminated gun shows.

Remember to vote John Cornyn for U.S. Senate in Texas on Tuesday, November 4!


The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is NRA's political action committee. The NRA-PVF ranks political candidates — irrespective of party affiliation — based on voting records, public statements and their responses to an NRA-PVF questionnaire.