NRA-PVF | Vote Freedom First. Vote Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate!

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Vote Freedom First. Vote Mike Crapo for U.S. Senate!


Mike Crapo “A+” Rated by NRA-PVF

Opposes Gun Confiscation
Crapo voted against gun confiscation schemes which would strip Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans without due process.

Supports Pro-Gun Judges
Crapo voted for nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court and the federal bench that respect and value the Second Amendment. He has also opposed Biden’s radical picks for the federal judiciary.

Supports Right-to-Carry
Crapo voted for Right-to-Carry Reciprocity legislation, which would ensure that the millions of law-abiding Americans who can carry a concealed firearm in their home state are able to do so in any other state that does not prohibit concealed carry.

Opposes Gun and Magazine Bans
Crapo voted against gun and magazine bans.

Opposes Criminalizing Private Transfers
Crapo voted against the Biden/Schumer so-called “universal” background check system that would criminalize the private transfer of firearms, which is only enforceable through a federal firearms registry.

Opposes Backdoor Gun Ban
Crapo voted to repeal an Obama/Biden scheme that forced Social Security recipients to choose between their benefits and their Second Amendment right to possess a firearm.

Supports Veterans' Second Amendment Rights
Crapo voted for legislation that would protect veterans’ Second Amendment rights.

Opposes Government Blacklists
Crapo voted against legislation denying persons on secret government lists their Second Amendment right to purchase or own a firearm without due process.

Supports America’s Hunting Heritage
Crapo voted to expand access for hunting and shooting, benefitting sportsmen throughout Idaho and the country.

See what the grades mean

Defend Freedom. Defeat David Roth.


David Roth is “F” rated by NRA-PVF

Supports Criminalizing Private Firearms Transfers
Roth supports the Biden/Schumer so-called “universal” background check system that would criminalize the private transfer of firearms, which is only enforceable through a federal firearm registry.

Supports Gun Confiscation
Roth supports Red Flag gun confiscation laws that would strip Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans without due process.

Endorsed by Radical Gun Control Groups 
Roth has proudly accepted the endorsements of extreme national gun control groups that want to dismantle our constitutional freedoms and who actively work to ban lawfully-owned firearms, ammunition and magazines.


The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is NRA's political action committee. The NRA-PVF ranks political candidates — irrespective of party affiliation — based on voting records, public statements and their responses to an NRA-PVF questionnaire.