NRA-PVF | Victory for Sound Fish & Wildlife Management in Michigan

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Victory for Sound Fish & Wildlife Management in Michigan

Thursday, August 28, 2014

NRA Strongly Supported Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act

Fairfax, Va. – A bipartisan majority in the Michigan House of Representatives today passed the citizen-initiated Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act (SFWCA). With a 65-43 vote the SFWCA becomes law.

“This is a significant victory for common sense and Michigan hunters over radical anti-hunting groups who have tried to undermine the state’s wildlife biologists on game management decisions,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action. “This citizen-initiated legislation is critical to ensure that the state Natural Resources Commission retains their authority and that Michigan is not subject to endless referendums run by out of state anti-hunting extremists.”

The SFWCA ensures that decisions affecting the taking of fish and game are made by the Michigan Natural Resources Commission using principles of sound scientific fish and wildlife management. This Act also provides for free hunting, fishing and trapping licenses for active members of the military. This Act also provides appropriations for fisheries management activities in Michigan necessary for rapid response, prevention, control and/or elimination of aquatic invasive species, including Asian carp.

“On behalf of the NRA’s five million members, I want to thank all of the state Representatives and Senators for their bipartisan support in protecting science-based conservation in the state,” concluded Cox.

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Michigan wildlife management

The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is NRA's political action committee. The NRA-PVF ranks political candidates — irrespective of party affiliation — based on voting records, public statements and their responses to an NRA-PVF questionnaire.