NRA-PVF | National Rifle Association Goes On Offense in Colorado Governor's Race

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National Rifle Association Goes On Offense in Colorado Governor's Race

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Launches new ad with violent crime survivor reminding voters Hickenlooper sided with NYC billionaire Michael Bloomberg to take away constitutional rights

Fairfax, Va. – The National Rifle Association today launched a new television ad that takes aim at Governor John Hickenlooper for signing into law controversial gun control legislation that infringes upon law abiding citizens' Second Amendment rights. The ad titled 'Ignored" features violent crime survivor Kimberly Weeks and is part of a statewide paid advertising campaign that includes television, digital and mail.

"Governor Hickenlooper betrayed Coloradans when he sided with New York City billionaire Michael Bloomberg and signed into law legislation that restricts the freedoms of good, honest people," said NRA Spokesperson Jennifer Baker. "Kimberly delivers a powerful message reminding voters that Governor Hickenlooper ignored them when it mattered most and he doesn't deserve their vote."

Kimberly draws attention to the fact that gun control laws have real life implications when it comes to our fundamental right to self-defense.  As a college student, Kimberly was brutally attacked in her apartment. She was overpowered and defenseless against her attacker. When Kimberly was assaulted, she had to plead with her attacker to spare her life during her harrowing ordeal. Since her attack, she has obtained a concealed carry permit and been active in victims' rights. Kimberly testified before the Colorado legislature during the gun control debate and pled with lawmakers not to infringe on her Second Amendment rights. Ignoring her pleas, Governor Hickenlooper signed extreme gun control legislation into law.

This legislation was championed by Bloomberg.  It was strongly opposed by Colorado Sheriffs and hundreds of thousands of Colorado gun owners. Hickenlooper had phone conversations with Bloomberg during the gun control debate before he ultimately signed the Bloomberg-backed legislation. Hickenlooper lied to the Sheriffs when questioned about these conversations, saying he had never had a phone conversation with Bloomberg. Last month, Bloomberg's gun control group endorsed Governor Hickenlooper and at an October 7th gubernatorial debate, Hickenlooper reiterated his support for the anti-gun legislation, saying he had "no regrets" about signing it into law.

"Governor Hickenlooper might not have any regrets about siding with Michael Bloomberg and signing away Coloradans' constitutional rights, but hundreds of thousands of voters regret having elected Governor Hickenlooper, and will make their voices heard on Election Day' concluded Baker.

To view "Ignored" go to:


The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is NRA's political action committee. The NRA-PVF ranks political candidates — irrespective of party affiliation — based on voting records, public statements and their responses to an NRA-PVF questionnaire.