NRA-PVF | NRA Member Action Needed to Oppose Obama Supreme Court Nominee

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NRA Member Action Needed to Oppose Obama Supreme Court Nominee

Thursday, March 17, 2016

NRA Member Action Needed to Oppose Obama Supreme Court Nominee

On Wednesday, the National Rifle Association announced its strong opposition to President Barrack Obama’s nomination of Merrick Garland to the United States Supreme Court.  NRA-ILA’s executive director Chris W. Cox has this to say about the nomination:

"With Justice Scalia’s tragic passing, there is no longer a majority of support among the justices for the fundamental, individual right to own a firearm for self-defense. Four justices believe law-abiding Americans have that right – and four justices do not. President Obama has nothing but contempt for the Second Amendment and  law-abiding gun owners.
 Obama has already nominated two Supreme Court justices who oppose the right to own firearms and there is absolutely no reason to think he has changed his approach this time. In fact, a basic analysis of Merrick Garland’s judicial record shows that he does not respect our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms for self-defense. Therefore, the National Rifle Association, on behalf of our five million members and tens of millions of supporters across the country, strongly opposes the nomination of Merrick Garland for the U.S. Supreme Court."

NRA members’ voices need to be heard!  Rumors are starting to swirl that anti-gun organizations are beginning to mount pressure on U.S. Senators to support Garland. 

Contact your U.S. Senators now to oppose Obama’s attempt to stack the Supreme Court against our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  Let your Senators know that you oppose the nomination of Merrick Garland.  Garland’s record of opposing the Second Amendment is clear – he simply cannot be trusted on our rights and must be opposed!

The U.S. Senate will be in recess for the next two weeks.  Please try to visit your Senators while they're back in your state and let them know you want them to oppose Garland's confirmation.




The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is NRA's political action committee. The NRA-PVF ranks political candidates — irrespective of party affiliation — based on voting records, public statements and their responses to an NRA-PVF questionnaire.