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Search: Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA)

What Happens if our Opponents Take the U.S. House?

Thursday, September 20, 2018

What Happens if our Opponents Take the U.S. House?

There is no question that our liberties are at stake on November 6th. The Democrat leadership in the ...

Chris W. Cox: 2018 NRA Members' Meeting

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Chris W. Cox: 2018 NRA Members' Meeting

NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris W. Cox speaks at the NRA Members' Meeting in Dallas, Texas.

The Hill  

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Dem bill would let shooting victims sue gun makers, dealers for actions of criminals

Anti-gun Democrat lawmakers unveiled new legislation Wednesday that would allow the victims of "gun violence" to sue manufacturers and dealers ...  

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hillary And Obama Are Lying About Gun Industry Protections

We expect politicians to give one side of a story to propel their chosen narrative. But how is ...  

Monday, October 26, 2015

Why Hillary Clinton is wrong on gun liability

Monday marks the 10th anniversary of the landmark Protection in Lawful Commerce in Arms Act. Hillary Clinton commented about ...

Trustworthiness Issues? Politifact Calls Out Clinton Deception

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Trustworthiness Issues? Politifact Calls Out Clinton Deception

That there are apparently still people (though, increasingly few) that find Hillary Clinton at all trustworthy is becoming more ...


Thursday, October 15, 2015

“ENEMIES.” Clinton, O’Malley Attack America’s 100+ Million Gun Owners In Debate

Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley made it very clear what they thought of ...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Historic Victory for NRA U.S. House of Representatives Passes the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act"

(Fairfax, VA) - Today the United States House of Representatives passed the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms ...

Monday, September 12, 2005

Victory in the Senate

When the U.S. Senate voted 65-31 to pass S.397 - the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act ...


The NRA Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) is NRA's political action committee. The NRA-PVF ranks political candidates — irrespective of party affiliation — based on voting records, public statements and their responses to an NRA-PVF questionnaire.